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Help Me Please Ate Too Much Of A Brownie

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by lucyjuno, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Hello, I just recently got my medical cannabis card and am relatively new to smoking or ingesting. Well I've had a medical brownie from a different dispensary before and it was like nothing, but I got another from a different dispensary and holy shit... It said cannabis brownie x3 so I'm assuming that meant 3 doses, I ate a little less than a third and it was AWFUL!! the first wave was ok like I knew I was going to be high, but it was ok. But then like 10 minutes later it was like wave after wave after wave and I felt like I was burning from the inside. It felt like my blood was boiling and I kept getting numb in all different areas. SOO anyway, after that I just put myself to bed hoping to sleep and for it to be gone. This morning I still feel high, not like really high, but hungover high. I've drank 2 coffees, 3 huge things of water, and ate. I want this feeling to go away. I keep getting hit with dizzy spells ever so often. How long is this going to last??
  2. #2 Sammyy, Aug 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2014
    Eat more..and masturbate (or sex) (yes I'm being serious). Only thing that will truly help is time but eating sleeping and mastuebating can help bring you down to baseline
  3. Put on a dumb comedy or awesome nature show. You should be feeling better by this evening! Just stay at home and keep yourself distracted with the TV.
    I find that a cup of tea has a calming effect.
    Smell some fresh-ground pepper, but don't get it up your nose! (No, I'm not joking- the alpha-pinene and caryophyllene in it calm you down )
    The surprising everyday ingredient that can reduce pot paranoia      (news - 2014)
    Try a hot shower! The heat inflames your skin, your endocannabinoids get used up fighting the inflammation and you are less stoned. It's what folks do when they "overdose" on cannabis and get cannabinoid hyperemesis.
    (Just a word here about cannabinoid hyperemesis / cannabis overdose- it IS an overdose, but cannabis is never fatal. Most activists don't want to mention that this kind of overdose can occur- I have gotten "thumbs down" for talking about it in the news! :cool:  I think we should be talking about it. Compare the overdose of any other recreational drug including alcohol to an overdose of cannabis. They die, we barf! It's a GOOD thing to discuss! Compared even to common aspirin, cannabis is SAFER to use!)
    Just relax, hon, the high will pass!
  4. #4 beaniegrl420, Aug 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2014
    Next time, if you can, get some CBD edibles too - they can help mitigate the bad stuff, even after the fact of having eaten too much!
    Poor thing. Getting it out of your system, with exercise (which may induce another euphoria) or diuretics can help. Using other terpenes (like Storm said) can help alter the effects, but exercise will burn it out of your system (masturbation can work, and is easy since you don't have to be upright, necessarily lol)
    Also, see if you can find out that exact dosage of the brownie, how many mg of cannabis it contained. This can help you identify what your personal dosage is. Seems as though you are very receptive to edibles (I know a girl who swears she can feel her throat start to numb on a bite! And she only takes one) so, you're gonna need to be careful. Lozenges may be a better starting platform; as you begin to feel the level of medicated you want to be, then you can stop! lol
  5. Holy shit that happened to me once too, I ate the whole damn thing! Know what happened? Nothing, I just got REALLY high.
    Why masterbate? (serious question)
    Does it 'expel' the extra THC like peeing it out or does the feeling after climax help neutralize the body??
  7. #7 beaniegrl420, Aug 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2014
    any exercise will work, but masturbation is easy if you have to stay lying down ;) Basically, it increases your heart rate and your metabolism making it work through your system faster, making you uncomfortable for a shorter period of time. 
  8. well i can only speak drom experience but i find that extra surge of dopamime takes me too a higher plateu of euphoria so when its all said and done with the plateu i was at before orgasm (just being high) doesnt feel as intense

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