Help me out here!

Discussion in 'General' started by smokewithwill, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. I've had this friend for a while, when I first came to my new school he was my only friend basically, and we've been really close friends ever since, i've stayed with him at his house down south etc virtually everytime I get high has been with him, he was the first person to introduce me to bud! My point is recently in the last couple of months he always relies on me for weed, I virtually pick up everytime, and he hardley ever pays, when he does he's always short, i'm not even sure anymore i've asked him about it and he just gives me some shit about not having a job and all this stuff and it just makes me feel like shit, i'm just not sure what to do, keep on smoking with my bro or cut him off? thanks! :cool:
  2. he is a leech
  3. Probably, my problem is i'm a massive pushover, I literally cant say no to anything, really not a great thing when your dealer gives you a shit draw :/:(
  4. No dude, there's no probably about it, he's a leeeeeech.

    There are two ways to go about this, you can either cut him off completely without an explanation (not recommended) or you could get him high, sit his ass down and talk it out.

    Make a big show of locking the door, and start it off 'You know I love you right man?' (Unless you don't) then lay it down. Tell him all about how cheated you feel, about how you feel that he's really been taking advantage of you, that he needs to man up. That he needs to either cut down on bud (so that he stops fucking over his good friend) or start being a freaking man and representing the fact that he needs to be responsible.

    It's your ball-game dude, I know you say you're a push-over, so make it on your terms. Don't put yourself in a situation where he can say no, lay it down. Don't let him interject, just rant your little heart out. If you actually want things to change, then this is what you've gotta do. :smoke: You can do it dude, I really think you can
  5. Some people go through hard times. If he is important to you, be a good pal. If he is dick enough to continue doing this with no intention of getting a job any time soon, drop him.
  6. if you have your own plug, forget about him.

    friends put in or honestly attempts to.
  7. tell him to throw down.. byob somthing man this kid has got to gtfo.. show him this thread next time before yall smoke and make him feel like shit about moochin lol

    then offer him greens.. doubt he will take it
  8. He must be able to get his own weed. You said he introduced you to the bud sounds like he could get some back then.

    Tell him you don't feel like getting it yourself, why don't you just ask him to go out n pick up the weed. Anyway if he moans at you for having a job then why would he be shorting with the money? he must work himself otherwise he wouldn't be sayin shit about you not workin

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