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Help me out grasscity

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Lovin Mary Jane, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. I think im stressing for no reason but i have a drug test next monday for the postal service. I havent smoked since the 31st of August. I use to smoke prolly 4 blunts of mids a day up til the 31st. Should i be worried and find a way to dillute my urine or just pee straight. Idk what to do really?
  2. You have gone 30 whole days, meaning you are probably near completely flushed, if not already. I would just get a little 16 oz bottle of cranberry juice at a gas station every day till monday and you should be clean as a whistle.
  3. Man you are in the clear. Dont worry at all.

  4. lol :hello:
  5. A whole month and your worried about passing? Don't worry man - you're MORE than straight. Unless you weigh 29043284024920884 pounds and sit on your ass all day.
  6. Cool i appreciate it ive also went through alot of cups of tea if that helps too
  7. yeah i know im trippin im just really hoping to get this job.
    they pay 17 a hour so i need this shit to go well
  8. Just to be safe I would buy some detox drink at the smoke shop.
  9. Wow, 17 an hour? I need to work at the post office....
  10. just drink a shit ton of water before the test just in case. but ya your in the clear for sure bro.
  11. Not to bring you down... My friend is like 6-2" 210lbs and does physical labor everyday... He was put on probation and failed his piss test 5 weeks later... Not saying that you are not clean but be careful..
  12. I have to take a drug test in the next hour but my piss is clear. I'm planning on adding a drop of yellow food coloring to make it yellow. Will they be able to detect this? Its a pre-employment drug test
  13. you could always buy some quick fix..
  14. The blade asked a serious question for a serious reason. You people making bad jokes about it should just grow the fuck up.

    OP: you SHOULD be ok but it can vary between different people.

  15. Sounds like a really bad idea
  16. #16 dexdurr, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010

    im sorry, did somebody get sand in his vagina?

    Disrespect is not tolerated here in the city...
  17. I'm sure you'll be fine, man. Unless you've got a high body fat percentage and don't do a lot of physical activity, you'll probably piss clean.

    I smoked three days before a pre-employment drug test for my summer job (and I'm a pretty heavyset fellow), and drank about a gallon of water before I pissed. And drinking that gallon of water was at the request of the chick who was administering the test, haha.

    Little helpful hint, just for safety's sake: when you start peeing, don't catch the first 1-2 seconds of your whiz (make sure you can take a pretty decent one) and the last 1-2 seconds of it. This part of the urine is where the processed minerals, nutrients, cannabinoids will be located.

    Good luck, man.

  18. I can see where he's coming from there are a lot of people on here who ask serious questions and get bullshit answers from people "trying to be funny" I mean there is a time and place for everything. I think that's what he was trying to say.
  19. Not really, well partially. I was saying grow the fuck up and that's what I meant. I'm sick of angsty children cluttering up this board with their crap.

    You do make a good point though and one I have made before. Especially here in Apprentice people come to get questions answered. Unproductive, unhelpful, unfunny crap doesn't belong here.

    EDIT: And he just has sand in his vagina because he didn't like the neg rep ;)
  20. Do anything that makes you sweat. Sweating burns fat and helps clear out the THC stored in your body, a good workout followed by sitting in a sauna for a length of time would ensure results if you think there might be a chance. Like dude said cranberry juice works wonders for detox. Best of luck.

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