Help me like mushrooms

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Luvs2splooj, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. If you think of it that way, then we eat dead people. It's a cycle man.
  2. Most people don't cook mushrooms right, IMO. Like meat, you want some brown color on the outside after cooking. That reaction (called the Maillard Reaction) is what makes cooked food taste so good. Eat a pan seared chicken breast next to a boiled one. There's no competition in which tastes better.

    Chop up your shrooms, melt some butter and/or olive oil over medium heat, throw the shrooms in and walk away. Stir after a couple of minutes, and continue this until the shrooms are browned and tender. Add salt/spices, cook for another few minutes (the salt will pull out some moisture from the shrooms, which is why you don't add salt at the beginning...will mess with the browning).

    Then just chow down :yummy:
  3. It's not really that it's eating dead things but I just picture them growing on some dead dog on the side of the road. Or under cow shit like the good shrooms.
  4. So the stuff growing on my feet or under my arms is preferable?

    I mean I am alive?
  5. Rather than growing on soil like most things I consider edible from the ground.
  6. The soil contains particles from dead things. All the nutrients in the soil the plants use came from dead things

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