I need your help guys. I smoke weed every day, but recently i started going to the gym again and now i'm too tired to get off my soon to be firm ass and go get some weed. The car is right outside, dad is at work and mom's sleeping. I have the right amount of cash in my pocket and i'm already dressed (except for shoes and jacket). I'm seriously, you guys, get me hyped so i can go get something that will make me unhyped.
That is the most stoned motivational speech ever.... I love it! =) Off to get some of that sticky-icky.
Yeah dude, please do, coz that pictre doesn't ring a bell. If it's something every stoner should know, you should defintely make fun of me for not knowing that and then tell me what it is. Back in about 15-30 minutes.
I got the weed! The dealer was really close to my house so i was quick. Got my home clothes on, my slippers, about to roll a joint. Thanks for the help you guys, nice pictures everyone, even the 'Do it faggot' one =)
I just got this man. I first saw the picture on my phone and gifs arent animated here. Now i saw it on my pc and saw the animation. Nice =)