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Help me get fried

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by DRSGME, Jan 25, 2024.

  1. #1 DRSGME, Jan 25, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2024
    So I'm planning to be off work for a while, and haven't smoked due to random drug testing but I love the health benefits of CBD and used to smoke before bed. What's the most effective consumption method? I have a few pre rolls of THC-A and CBD but want max benefits and advice.

    Main uses: Lower back pain, deeper sleeping, and just being able to recover.

    Also where do you usually order from?
  2. The one that works best for you. Adjust dosage until desired results are achieved.
  3. My basement.
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  4. at home dodging a drug test? - IMO: find a job that doesn't invade your private space or even private hours

    most here grow their own, don't matter if legal in your state or not, .. here in this state(GC) its legal

    for a minimum outlay you could have a constant trickle of 'Quality' weed rolling to you it will take about 2-3 grows to fine tune the operation, by then you won't give 2 figs about any drug test or any attempts by your employer to blackmail you to conform as your body buckles again again

    good luck

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