I've got a 14 mm illadelph and i've been trying to find a good ashcatcher for it since i got it back in December. Doesnt necessarily have to be Illadelph brand but that would definetly be a plus. Thanks for the help fellow tokers!
do you have any pics of your illadelph? do you want the ashcatcher to match? I can post a few links but I'd like to see a pic first
http://forum.grasscity.com/toking-tools/707722-my-new-illadelph.html#post8909108 i think it would be hard to find a camo ashcatcher to match the label. all clear is just fine, i would really like an inline tho
I think one of these would be cool...I looked at the pic of your illadelph and have since forgotten what color it was haha *stoned* But this one is nice: http://weedsmokersguide.com/pictures/Roor-Ashcatcher-32mm-Green-Logo.jpg or just go all out http://forum.grasscity.com/photopost/data/500/medium/illaashcatcher3.jpg
yes! i want the illadelph one, where can i possibly find it? the headshop i bought mine at had those at one time but none were the right size for mine.
Get a big thick inline like the one in my sig... Mine sits on a straight tube just like yours, and I swear you won't regret it. I'm sure you've noticed that with the straight tube, there is no drag. The inline will add a respectable amount of drag and amazing diffusion, creating a hit that will make you cream your pants.