Help me figure out what movie this is!

Discussion in 'Movies' started by peacenpot420, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Okay i saw this movie years and years ago and i cannot put my finger on the title and i really want to watch it. Its about this guy who has two kids i think and he gets messages from god to kill certain people. I can't figure out what the movie is and i really want to see it again. Even though i'm an atheist the movie was really good from what i remember. Can anyone help me?
  2. i guess not...
  3. ahhh! thank you so much! I saw this movie once soo long ago and never knew what it was!

  4. your welcome
  5. I totally have seen that movie. Pretty twisted but it was actually pretty good from what i can remember, Havent seen it in year though.
  6. i just finished watching it...its actually a pretty good movie. Had a twisted ending that I didn't see coming.

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