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Help me decide between two strains, which is more dank??

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Runittwice, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. #1 Runittwice, Sep 30, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2010
    Ok so I've got a choice of either of these two. Based on just looks which one looks better? Any ideas on the strains? Thanks. :smoke:



  2. they kind of look like two of the same.

    either way, it's six or one half dozen
  3. the one on the right is noticeably darker, flash messed up the pics.

    what do u mean by 6 or one half dozen?
  4. lol 6 and one half dozen are the same thing. They do look the same though, uhh take what ever one weighs more?
  5. yummy. Smoke both lol
  6. lol now i see the comparison, didnt get it at first lol.

    one seems to have more crystals on it from what i can tell, but yea they do look similar. its an eigth of either so weight isnt a factor.

  7. Personally, I'd take the one on the left.
  8. dont matter, in the end it will be smoked regardless and it looks equally as good
  9. i would take the one on the left.
    Whats the name of that strain.
    It looks exactly like the bud that had me in space for eight hours :l
  10. get a 50/50 bag for variety

  11. I wish I knew what it was Haha. No one really knows names around here. Initially I had an eighth of each but one was promised to a friend. But I was able to grab another bag so I now have an eighth of each. Thanks for all the help everyone. Was trying to see if one looked noticeably better than the other.

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