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Help me convince someone not to smoke K2 Summit

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by flewadof, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. so, if you haven't heard there's some new "legal marijuana substitute" that the makers are calling K2 Summit, and it contains some near-THC chemical called JWH-018. I don't know much about it, but I don't trust it... but outside of sites promoting buying the stuff, I haven't been able to find anyone skeptical of it (well, anyone except scared parents and priests) who is giving the details of its composition, the effects of it, etc. etc.

    maybe it's just my loyalty to the real herb (heh), but I don't want my friend to go and buy some weird legal herb and I know all the other ones can be pretty sketchy and harmful to smoke/ingest... any help in getting some unbiased (don't get me wrong, pro-k2 facts are permitted......) info on it?

    much obliged, grass citizens
  2. I've heard mixe reviews but let him try it for himself if that's what he really wants to do.
  3. Here's a review.

    If you can get it at a headshop near you then go for it. If your friend needs to go to a dealer than just get the real thing.
  4. jwh-018 is a chemical compound developed so scientists could study canibinoid receptors in humans. It's about as safe a high as you can get that's chemically altered.

    here's some more info.

    check for reviews/trip reports. hope this info helps. Your friend may be interested to know that you can buy jwh-018 for a much better price without the unnecessary plant material off the internet legally in most countries.

    if your friend is gonna try it, they might as well do it economically. hope this info helps.

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