Hello all, well its tax return time and I was going to drop some cash on a new bong that isnt the standard roor,ehle,illidelph (which I own 2 of the 3...a roor,ehle, & 2 weedstars). I have used Shivadas before and was very pleased with the quality of my glass. Im thinking of these 2 gong water pipes. The one with the marbles is 12" - 14" tall, hefty 50mm tubing, worked top, ice-catcher and stepped up sculpture artwork. it comes fitted with an all-glass connection, diffuser downstem, and a 14mm bowl. It is $190 shipped. The bottom one with the mushrooms is about 22" tall with a worked top, ice-catcher and custom sculpture artwork. it comes fitted with an all-glass connection, diffuser downstem, and a 14mm bowl. Its also $190 shipped but Ill get it blown with the marbles like the other one...not with the mushrooms. They both say 3lbs shipping... Im thinking the short one is alot thicker glass then the tall one. and prolly a much sturdier bong. I cant decide. Does anyone have any ideas/insight on which one you would prefer to own? Everyone's input will be thoroughly evaluated and Thank You for helping to make my personal smoking pleasure experience a little bit more enjoyable.
Yeah, Im starting to think the best choice is indeed the first one. It just looks more thick. The only thing is a 12"-14" bong for $180 seems pretty pricey...
It would assume the price of the piece has more to do with the worked sections and marbles then the height. I like the first one more.
So, I am leaning more towards the short one now. I just hope it has a large enough smoke capacity being 12"-14". I have a 16"Messiahs illusion Ice & a 12" 500ml EHLE Now, the EHLE's tube is only 1" in diameter but I cannot get enough smoke in it to cough...ever. Im still going for the short one. Ill post pics when I get it in the mail. Im going to think about for another couple of days just to make sure. Thanks for all of your input.