Hey GC, I was wondering if you could help a brotha out. Up to now, all of my grows (4) have been outdoor using bagseed. I say bagseed because the majority were seeds from bags the rest being a few clones of no name dank. Last year was really awesome and I believe I've got a handle on most of the basics (or should I say I learned I still have a lot to learn) and I think i'm ready to start looking for my holy grail strain. The only hang up is there are so many hybrids out there I feel like a kid in a candy shop. One day one strain calls to me, then the next another one seems so much more up my alley. So, I come before thee, oh great blades of the City of Grass (as you can see I like creative highs) for some help. Here are some things I'm looking for in the girl: Somewhat short finishing time: I live at about the 43rd parallel. Winter can come on fast and hard. I was lucky last year and managed to keep plants out until mid/late October until a very hard frost persuaded me to take the clippers out. Mold/Mildew resistance: I live in a swamp. I've yet to see my humidity drop below 24% and it's the middle of winter. It can get into the 80's quite easily. Taste: Probably the most important to me. I'm not too picky other than I'm not a fan of diesel. Something fruity sounds good but opening a jar and having your buddies ask if there's a skunk living in the house can brighten one's day. Yield: I want something to show for the time and effort I put in but I'm not looking to go commercial. And again, mold is a concern. Type of high: Sativa-esque. I've been getting some indica lately that just makes me lethargic and lazy. I want a pick-me-up type high that isn't too racy. I'm not looking to get totally fucked up at this time. Well that's all I can think of at the moment. Some strains that I've looked into are: Barney's Farm LSD (thinking it might be too intense though?) Mandala 8 miles high (description sounds right up my alley) GHS The Church (don't really want to give my money to arjan but if it's worth it I will) Sensi Seeds... pretty much all their outdoor seeds sound fun. I only have enough money to try maybe 3 different strains, probably just 2. Feminized is not necessary. Well, I hope that's enough info to get some good answers. Cya around GC.
hey bro, go with freezeland! Its a canadian strain that does really well at your latitude, its one of the main cash crop strains of Quebec, finishes middle september, nice yelds, piney smell and taste! Also GG#3 crosses are great too!! None of those commercial seed companies have the true early finishers that do great at your latitude. Im at 45n and i can confirm that these beans are the real deal. They are located right in kingston ontario too, so its probably real close to you! Freezeland bx f3 from private breeder GG#3 x c99 from Smoke alot seed company I would reccomend waiting untill march when smoke alot seed company drops this years beans. They will have freezeland x manitoba madness, freezeland x Auto Afgani, etc etc. These will all finish in middle september before mold an choppers can get them!!! You can find the beans here bro.......... rcmcollective.ca
Interesting. So you've ordered from that site before? I was probably going to go through The Attitude.
Yeah dude ive ordered off that site multiple times, its legit. The attitude is great too, but like i said your not going to find the killer early outdoor strains from any of those commercial seed companies.
Nah you get 12 a pack, and with every order you get 15 freebie seeds from your choice of breeder. This collective just opened up, its been around for years, but it was very underground before, now they are trying to go more commercial with their website.
Woah that's crazy man. I might have to try them out. I just wished they accepted money orders. Sending cash for beans sketches me out lol.