help me before i kill myself 0.o

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Westyboo, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. ok, i need help with lighting, ive never grown before and im only growing one plant ( my seed is currently germinating) so im kinda in a rush but i was was wondering what watt bulb i will need and if i need higher than 50w what do i run the bulbs on ?? cause i looked at the lamps in my house and they say max watage is like 50? will i even need like a 250w bulb for one plant and if i do what do i put the bulb in 0.o as i said i know nothing which is why im here =P
    (also its not my house so if i burn it down im in trouble)

    Any help would be gratefully appriciated :D
  2. Well I will help you with this much, buy a clamp lamp they will support a 42 watt equivalent CFL easily. The rest is easily read up on in the beginners stickies.
  3. search for things on balasts
  4. Don't kill yourself, but you should go ahead and kill that germinating seed. Don't EVER germinate a seed until you understand what to do next and have the setup and equipment and supplies done and tested and ready to go. By germing that seed you have started a clock running that cannot stop and wait for you, that seed will be dead in a couple of days anyway.

    You know the old saying "ready, aim, fire"? There's a reason that "ready" is first...

    The basic info you are looking for is readily available in the sticky threads. You need to do a lot of reading and self-educating, just like all the rest of us did.
  5. calm ur self, i had my setup ready i just wasnt sure about lighting 0.o and tbh it was a spur of the moment thing.

  6. Haha 'nub'. If you're dead set on going ahead, get yourself some CFL bulbs (otherwise known as energy saving light bulbs), the little spiral things. As many as you can. Sorted.

    That's the simplest advice I have ever given or will ever give :p You may wanna do some serious research as fast as possible though, you can find anything you need to know on these boards.
  7. all is good,thnx for the help but i ended up getting a couple of clamp lamps of a mate of mine so hopefully they will sufice.

  8. Lol wait,

    Come on here, call experienced members nub, but you're asking us about lights. Lights are one of the most critical parts of growing. I'm surprised your seed even germinated, congrats... now change your attitude.
  9. Westly gtfo of here with your nub-ass attitude. Go catch a bad one, faggot.

    Germinating a seed before you even know shit... what a maroon!
  10. #10 Westyboo, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    I said "nub" get over it.

    You stinkyboy mongo cunt muffin.


    (yeah thats right, i called you a cunt muffin what you gonna do about it ?)

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