Ok so I am a SUPER newby. This is my first time indoors and like most first timers I was having trouble with the basics (over watering and PH). Then came the fungus gnats... now after I started flowing process I notice the tops of the plants are very healthy and everything below that is either dead or on it's way to dead. I have 2 LED 1000w lights in a 6x6x6 tent. Is this enough? Is this too much? Help! Please and thank you!
I wasn't trying to be a jerk - sorry. I actually thought that someone was posting the pics as a joke. You need to provide more info about your grow. Medium, nutes, feeding schedule, pH, water, etc. My observations just based on the pics you posted are that you need better lighting and your soil looks like mud. Did you do any research before you started?
I did try to do some research but it seemed like everything I read was so that I could grow the BEST and the BIGGEST plants possible. I was not looking to be the best on my first try, but simply just keep them alive hahah. I used to grow outside and it seemed WAY easier than what I have been dealing with. Unfortunately the further into the process I got.. the more problems I discovered. Growing in organic soil Some buckets are plastic some are cloth Watering about once a week Using foxfarm liquid nutrients grow big big bloom and tiger bloom. The white stuff is diatomaceous earth.. supposed to kill fungus gnats but didnt seem to work very well.