help looking for my first dabbing piece?

Discussion in 'General' started by KyleD, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. I think for obvious reasons the idea of dabbing is very tantalizing to someone who's been smoking/vaping for a while and misses getting over the top high. Just doesn't happen to me anymore. So I finally have a chance to hopefully get some, and I know you need a specific piece, not just any old glass piece. I did see you can get a bong attachment and that would be my most preferred option. I also know you can get concentrate trays for your mflb, but as much as I enjoy the discreetness of it, I don't enjoy a vaping high as much as a smoking high, and I'm not sure there coupe be accidents when using a simple a, with something i assume turns liquid when heating. anyway, my point is id rather find an attachment.
    My problem is id much rather go into a shop than order online. I love smoke shops. But in smoke shops (at lest near me). You have to do the whole run around. Its for tobacco only. And as far as I know, you can't find wax tobacco. So how do I ask for such attachment? Generally the owners are friendly, but I don't want them getting in trouble or mad at me for some silly mistake. so really, I'm just curious how do I ask for something like that, knowing I don't know what to look for . Also if there's any specific kind I should want, it'd be cool if someone would let me know. Thanks! And sorry if this could be in a different section on the forum.

  2. All you have to say is concentrate rig. Just make sure you're using the word concentrate.

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