hey guys, im doing a first time grow in my closet and just grabbed a 150 watt hps grow lamp for the 2 plants i have. I'm really inexperienced to be honest and was wondering if anyone may know why my plants leaves are curling. should i flush water through them to be sure there's no salt build up? or check ph levels and see if i need nutrients besides what came in the soil. any help would be great. Thanks in advance
What Soil base are you using? Whats the temp with light off? What kind of nutrients are you feeding? How old are your plants? At 30 days in just dirt with no feeding or amendments made to the soil they might want some. A picture will also help but if not here is a thread on http://forum.grasscity.com/sick-plants-problems/25983-nutrients-bugs-various-problems-guide.html I know kind of dick sounding but the more info you provide the better advice you get.
If you can, click on my username. I posted this thread in about 3 other discussion forums- one of them has pictures. It wouldn't let me post in all three of them, and I didn't know how to do it. I will try to see if I can? As for soil, I'm using Miracle Grow Organic Choice Potting Mix. Not sure if you're familiar with it or not, but it's 2 month continuous feed w/ about .10% nitrogen. I actually just switched over from a 6 month feed w/ twice the amount of nitrogen- everywhere I've gone to grab soil has been sold out of what I originally got, so I was forced to switch. This was the closest I could get. My thermostat is set for about 65F, but because the bedrooms in my house are on the second floor, the heat rises significantly and it gets no cooler than about 75F with the lights off. Lights are on right now and it's 80F. I'm not currently using any nutrients. I've read that nutrients aren't always beneficial to the plant, so I honestly wasn't too sure about that. I wasn't too sure what to do, since I'm a beginner. I just put them into flowering (12/12) not even a week ago- maybe tops 5 days w/ the HPS lamp. They are both between 21-25 inches tall. But in all honesty, they are 2+ months.
How often r u watering? If the soil is always wet then probably u r giving to much water. Let it dry out not bone dry though She doesnt wana stay wet all the time. I think u probably r watering way to much, but then agian i could be completely wrong. Just a thought. Good luck man