I just started growing and am not too experienced. One of my plant's bottom set of leaves( the oldest ones) have turned yellowish on the tips and spotting over the past couple of days. The plant is only about 5 inches tall. Im having problems getting good information on what exactly is the deficiency or problem. Please help me out! thanks guys in advance
We have had to deal with all kind of issues lately and ended up checking everything: Get a magnifying glass and pluck one of the leaves that is discolored. Look on the underside in good lighting for tiny black spots and white flecks (mites). If your lucky and you don't have mites check the ph of your water (should range from 5.5 to 6.5), and reevaluate your nutrients. Also, have your plants undergone any kind of stress? Just a few ideas for you.
i tweezed off the leaf and looked under it with a magnifying glass. NO white or black spots at all. so i think they are mite free. here is a better picture of the leaf that was yellowing. i also check my Ph and it was a little high at 7.0, i decreased it to 6.2 Also lots of the information i have been looking says it might be nute overload or lack of nutes.. anyone have any ideas?
My husband looked at the new pic. He thinks that yes you probably burned it with fertilizer. Stop the fertilizer right away. Also, the grow book I use "Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervatntes" Suggests flushing them when this happens. In the book they take a five gallon bucket, put two pieces of wood and then sit the plant on top. You then flush it with 3 times it's size with clear water that is ph correct. It should look better in a few days. You might want to reassess your nutrient and if you find it is what you want to use reintroduce it in small increments. They should look better in a few days after the flushing. Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions and I will look them up in the book. It is a great resource to have!