HELP Ive made up my mind. Im moving to a ski town. GC, where should I move?!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Nutrition Facts, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. #1 Nutrition Facts, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011

    • Last summer I graduated art school. college is officially over with.
    • I graduated at the top of my class
    • I packed my bags and drove 900 miles north to live with my parents in WV.
    • my parents are super rad, and were fine with me moving home for a few months.
    • Since then i've been freelancing design/websites/odd jobs... saving cash.
    • BY THE WAY. I now live is the poorest most depressing state in the country
    • my old friends from high school 1. moved 2. welfare + kids 3. do heroin
    • I am kind of alone here.
    • I need to move.
    • there are ZERO job opportunities here... everything is going out of business.
    • I'm really about to jump in a wood chipper if I dont get out of here soon.
    • I'm looking for a job with an independent clothing company, boutique studio, or design firm... like a creative director, senior, or junior designer.
    • I have a few thousand dollars to support me until I can get a solid cash flow with a job.
    • I've been on the phone daily with the career services at my school looking for jobs.

    • SOMETHING YOU SHOULD KNOW... Ive been obsessed with snowboarding since I was in middle school.
    • I live no where near the slopes so I usually hike and ride in the back country (or find the unplowed steep neighborhoods, and cruise down their roads if the snow is deep enough)
    • It would be a tear jerking DREAM to live a mile from the biggest resorts i've ever seen.
    • It would ALSO be an absolute DREAM if i could wake up, ride some parks for a few hours, go to work, toss my board stuff in the office, do my job, get off work and ride all night, go to bed, and do it all over again the next day.... for the next 5-10 years of my life.

    I have the idea down on paper, so to speak... I have the rough plan.

    Where should I move? Vermont? Colorado? Utah? NorCal?

    Colorado does have MMJ, i dont know if i would qualify.
    It's really the least of my worries, but it would definitely be a perk...

    thanks a lot for reading, everyone
  2. [​IMG]

    Vail, Colorado

    If you ever lived here, I would burn with jealous rage. I visited the town, walked through it, and man, it was beautiful. This was two summers ago, so I never saw it during the winter.

    Pretty close to Denver too.
  3. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh man that would be perfect. Id live in my CAR just to be able to have that life. I wonder if I could find a job in denver, and just get a cheap-o apartment in Vail?
  4. Idk man, Vail did seem like a ritzy kind of town. But, check out other cool places in Colorado. Out of all the states I've been to (quite alot of them actually), Colorado takes the cake in terms of beauty. Seeing the Rockies was awesome, going up and through the national park was even better.
  5. Méribel, France if the OP wanted to move abroad.
  6. #8 DV, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2011

    Vail and Breckenridge are both beautiful.
    Breckenridge legalized so that's a plus.

    I think it comes down to affordability, cause
    we all know here it's not cheap to live up there,
    but you might be able to work something out.

    You'd probably meet tons of chill people up there
    willing to help you out, I'd check out B-Ridge.

    (I'd try to find a job in town or close to town,
    seriously, you don't wanna be trekking back
    and forth from Denver especially in the winter
    season. Avalanches, boulders falling, shitty road
    conditions etc...)
  7. I hear Baghdad is really nice for winter sports
  8. Move to Whistler.
  9. dude, youre right. I'm ending this thread right now, what an incredible idea.

    Baghdad it is.

    Thanks, buddy.

  10. Yeah, good point. Ideally id like to be close to both. But I rather be next door to my job than the slopes. (So I dont piss anyone by being late due to weather.)

    Finding the job will be the tough part... i'd like to narrow down a city first and search from there. Looks like Breckenridge will be a good starting point.
  11. man if only you could come to canada. T dot is the place to be...
  12. big sky montana, fernie bc
  13. COME TO SWEDEN! if you know how to ski pretty good, you can join a sponsored group and get to go to the alps. i did that until i got problems with my knee, now i don't ski as much, but i still get invited to the alps every year!
  14. basically, im sayin move to a locals only type place, not a major resort town
  15. It's all about getting your foot in the door...
    which really means in their ass. If you're
    ambitious enough, it'll happen, just believe
    in yourself.

    Take your time, educate yourself about the area,
    also find a couple different places to compare,
    that might really help you find where you want to be.
    I'm sure there's great places abroad as well.
  16. Park City, Utah bra
  17. UPDATE... I got messaged back about a job, looks like I may be moving here..


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