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Help is this a male?!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Jarah.e, Jul 11, 2019.

  1. IMG_1118.JPG IMG_1119.JPG

    Very hard to take a focussed picture as they are currently very tiny formations. This is my first attempt at growing and this is my strongest plant but I’m fairly sure those are pollen sacks forming I just need an outside look as im unsure but I’m leaning towards it being a male.
    Quite disappointed as this plant has grown quite well I germinated the seeds myself and planted about 2 months ago went through a trial and error phase before finding the right set up for everything.

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  2. Yed it has a polle. Sac
  3. Pollen sac that looks like a ball
  4. Little too soon to tell
  5. It is not too soon where he topped it on the left of it has a little pollen sac
  6. Also if I have been having them on 18-6 lighting do males create pollen sacks in veg also? Because my other plant is a stunted in growth compared to this but has no signs of the pollen sacks forming

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  7. Your plant looks like one of my.previous males.
    Grew faster but right where i topped it grew sacs.. but not sure if it went hermi because i killed it asap... running 18-6 changed timer but didnt turn it on ran 24h light 2 days and balls grew lol... maybe wait alittle longer if more balls form then its a boy lol

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