help? internet wire fraud? can i get in trouble for this?

Discussion in 'General' started by christymich, Nov 26, 2008.

  1. #1 christymich, Nov 26, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2008
    okay im apart of another forum community online. yeah yeah. well they also have a store, very similar to grasscity. well i used an "unauthorized" coupon on one of my recent purchases, and the owner of the store emailed me saying he would seriously prosecute me under Internet Wire Fraud , and wanted to speak with me immediately on the phone. I'm 18 years old, a girl, i don't think a phone conversation with me and that guy would be real nice. Should I talk to him on the phone? or just tell him to screw off?
    Or can I seriously get in trouble for this?


    EDIT******* my bad.
    its called
    Interstate Wire Fraud.
    not internet.


    no i never got the discount
    they just cancelled my order
    so technically i never got the goods.
    so i cant seriously be prosecuted for this can i?
    the dudes pissed that i used a coupon for new members only to get a discount on something.
    but they cancelled the processed order so whats the deal?
    and he wants to call me?
    i think i should just ignore him now?
  2. it is serious. I.W.F is one of the worst charges you can get.

    minimum $25,000 fine. i would do whatever the owner says and apologize.
  3. i used to be in the life of fraud and wire fraud it will cost him to much to prosecute you I would ignore it. It takes a lot of shit before law enforcement will get involved and it will take a lot to trace back to you. I wouldnt sweat it
  4. it won't be that hard to track her down if she paid with credit card or paypal...
  5. i would also consider if you did it by accident :rolleyes:
    or if it was on purpose, how big the damage is etc, be honest to yourself (did you steal or not, i don't know and dont want to)

    but yeah, talk to him, couldnt hurt, see what he wants, probably just say:
    "I'm so sorry sir, i will never ever do it again, it was just in the heat of the moment .... etc"
  6. You very well may get in trouble for this, though it seems like a very minor crime (using a bad coupon) so the concequences should not be severe.

    But, I would try to talk it out with him on the phone, offer to pay full price, apologize, and try to get out of it. Be nice, courteous, and respectful, don't tell him to fuck off.

    Chances are if he wants to talk to you it is either one of two things:

    1. He doesn't know who you are, but if you have him your address to recieve goods then this probably isn't the reason

    2. He doesn't want to really prosecute you, he's just angry he's losing money and wants to confront you about it. Let him yell at you, suck it up, and you may just avoid criminal charges.
  7. possibly but its so small he would be dumb to waste his own time.

    but call em up, did you ever get the discount?
  8. no i didnt.
  9. well fuck it, I wouldnt really worry.
  10. read the edit, dont think it would be serious for something like that, i was thinking something big scale like using a non existent credit card or something, but this is really minor,
    dont ignore him, be polite, say it was a misunderstanding, and eventually he'll go away
  11. WIRE FRAUD - 18 USC 1343, makes it a Federal crime or offense for anyone to use interstate wire communications facilities in carrying out a scheme to defraud.

    A person can be found guilty of that offense only if all of the following facts are proved beyond a reasonable doubt:

    First: That the person knowingly and willfully devised a scheme to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false pretenses, representations or promises; and

    Second: That the person knowingly transmitted or caused to be transmitted by wire in interstate commerce some sound for the purpose of executing the scheme to defraud.

    It is not necessary that the Government prove all of the details concerning the precise nature and purpose of the scheme; or that the material transmitted by wire was itself false or fraudulent; or that the alleged scheme actually succeeded in defrauding anyone; or that the use of interstate wire communications facilities was intended as the specific or exclusive means of accomplishing the alleged fraud.

    What must be proved is that the person knowingly and willfully devised or intended to devise a scheme to defraud; and that the use of the interstate wire communications facilities was closely related to the scheme because the person either wired something or caused it to be wired in interstate commerce in an attempt to execute or carry out the scheme.

    To "cause" interstate wire facilities to be used is to do an act with knowledge that the use of the wires will follow in the ordinary course of or where such use can reasonably be foreseen.

    Each separate use of the interstate wire facilities in furtherance of a scheme to defraud constitutes a separate offense.
  12. If it was over a coupon and the transaction was never completed then i'd tell him to jog on. Doubt anything will happen as a result of this. He's just trying to sound big on the internet.

  13. yeah exactly. but i honestly.. have no idea what any of that means.
    i don't even know if that relates to what my incident is or not.
  14. Big corporations don't even bother to sue people when their discounts/coupons are misused, fairly sure that guy won't do nothing. What was the website anyways.
  15. Im afraid it includes you , you used an unauthorised coupen , id guess you knew that.

    My best advice is maybe speak to your Father if possible or a male it yourself , call the dude and say you thought it was a coupen you could use , play kinda dumb and he'll lap it up..honestly

    It says its a federal offence , dont leave it to chance he will drop it mate.
  16. After you talk to him and all is well slip in a "you suck cock" reference and play it off as your stuff rocks.
  17. edit.

    no i never got the discount
    they just cancelled my order
    so technically i never got the goods.
    so i cant seriously be prosecuted for this can i?
    the dudes pissed that i used a coupon for new members only to get a discount on something.
    but they cancelled the processed order so whats the deal?
    and he wants to call me?
    i think i should just ignore him now?

    Read my post again , it doesnt matter if you got the goods or not , call the dude , let him have his rant and be done with it.
  18. You said the site was like GC. Is it based in the US (GC isn't)? If not US Federal Law doesn't apply (even if it did, complainants don't bring Federal charges, the US Attorney Office does). Is he selling pipes and assorted paraphernalia? If so he ain't gonna do squat. The last thing a shop like his needs is an appointment in Federal Court, ask Chong.

    Most importantly, did you knowingly use a fraudulent coupon? If so, he should be pissed, you're fucking with his livelihood, not cool! If not, it will be impossible for him to prove the mandate required by law. It is really really hard to prove what someone knows and when they know it. If you have a good explanation for the coupon use, you should talk to him and try and explain, if not you could just make him more angry, personalize the issue, and provide evidence against yourself.

    As a general rule it is best NOT to talk to people who threaten to sue you. You probably wont change their mind regardless, and they don't need an actual case to sign an affidavit, just a reason in their own mind.
  19. Thats a good point about where the sites based , its also a very good reason not to call.If its abroad , screw them.

    If its not abroad , have a look at this ..

    What is the penalty for interstate wire fraud as a first offence?

    It depends upon whether the victim is a financial institution or someone else. The crime of wire fraud is codified at 18 U.S.C. § 1343, and reads as follows:

    Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, transmits or causes to be transmitted by means of wire, radio, or television communication in interstate or foreign commerce, any writings, signs, signals, pictures, or sounds for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. If the violation affects a financial institution, such person shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.
  20. what's the amount?

    ..did you post this already, I didn't see it

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