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Help im very confused

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Invisible Toker, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I have a sleep problem.

    So awhile back around the end of 09 I was caught by my mother while i was on vacation with her. I convinced her by showing her the union and various other research that it's not bad and she said she doesn't condone it which i respect. It's highly illegal in Florida as most of us know and today I got talking to her about how I don't like it when I'm denied the ability to take some medicine to help me sleep she saw my improvements when i was taking marijuana and now im starting to slack in my classes because i can not sleep at night.

    We had a long talk today and she said she can't condone it but she can't stop me and I have to think about it. She once said she would make my life hell once she tested me and if i didn't pass and she said that She won't make my life hell or do anything if I don't pass. So you see why I'm confused she can't condone it but apparently doesn't care if I do it.
  2. Dude she's your mom. I'm sure if you show her it helps YOU, she'll be cool with it.
  3. haha i think shes saying she doesnt give a fuck if you do it, but shes not telling you to do it
  4. I first started smoking on a regular basis because of my insomnia. Bud completely removes any difficulty I have sleeping, and it's made my life better. Good idea educating her best you can, that's the best you can do. You can probably blaze before bed outside or something like that without anyone noticing, that's what I do when I'm home. The more DL your smoking is, the less she'll be uncomfortable.

    good luck!
  5. Not to mention if you just smoke one time a day, your tolerance will stay right where it needs to be to actually help you.
  6. My parents just found out and with my mom its the same mentality, they dont approve of us doing it, but theyre not going to make our lives hell because they cant change what we do and know they cant stop us from burning, so like they care if you do it but theyre not anal hitler parents

  7. I only smoke an hour before bed because i am unable to get those knock you out medicals seems all No name dank in Central FL is a Hybrid so i let the burn in tired sink in a bit and lay down.

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