help identifying strain?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Arrrggghhh, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. I made a dumb mistake. I usually use clones, and have ended up with a couple of seeds I ordered from attitude seed bank a long time ago. I decided to finally give them a shot a plant them, and a couple of them sprouted. The problem is, I got them mixed up in the process and am not sure what strain is what? Is there anyone who can help me figure it out with these pics attached? It would have to be "poison dwarf" or the freebies they toss in, "thai super skunk". Thanks for your help!

    Also, any opinions on the two strains?


  2. Leafs indicate super thai skunk. It's some good shit, keep her healthy.
  3. Thanks! That was really bugging me. Looking forward to the finished product!
  4. No way to tell exact strain except for Sativa or, Indica. Leaves indicate Sativa and could be a sativa/indica mix....
  5. Lanky sativa..............must be the thai, sweet high if she gets to finish.......

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