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Help identifying spots - first time grower

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by GreenBeagle, Aug 22, 2019.

  1. Hello!
    Noticed discoloration "spots" on some leaves. Using reverse osmosis water (more info below). Thought maybe it's magnesium deficiency? Started adding Bloom City CalMag yesterday for first time. Any advice on what this is and how to address it? This is my first grow attempt. Thanks!

    What type of medium; soil or hydro? Soil
    What brand and type of soil? Fox Farms Ocean Forest
    Indoors or outdoors? Indoors
    What strain? Super Skunk
    How old are the plants? 6 weeks
    What type of lights and how many watts? Optic 8+ 500 watts
    How far from the lights? ~24-25 inches
    What is your watering frequency and source of water? 2-3 times per week
    What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? Alternating between plain water and Fox Farms Grow Big (2 tsp per gallon) and Fox Farms Big Bloom (4 tsp per gallon). Just added Bloom City CalMag yesterday (4 ml per gallon). Some lights have 5 plants total. This light has 4 plants total, 1/2 gallon total per light distributed evenly among the plants.
    What are the temps and humidity in the room? Temp range between 72 and 80, Humidity range between 45-57%.
    What size pots? 5 gallon smart pots
    Any bugs? None that I can see. Spraying Green Cleaner 2 times per week.

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  2. I think you're on the right track, but it takes the cal mag a week or so to fix it...New growth should be OK...Damaged leaves won't heal,though...
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