My plant is in its 5 th week of bloom. I noticed the the lower nodes look like this. Looks like bananas all over. Pics are ones I cut off to take photos of. I have out door going too I am worried that this might pollnate my plants out door. The plant with the potential hernie problem has nice buds forming. The plant is 8 months old. Due to electric problems I had to keep it in veg for a while. What should I do keep going and risk outdoor of these are herm. Or just chop and start over fresh. And learn from the experience.... because knowledge is power... so I'm 89% these are herm. Any opinions would be appreciated thanks
hi there if it were me ,,i'd scrape it and start again....and try next time to get some good seeds if these were bag seed ,,i'd buy some ,,,allthough you can get god plants from bag seed ,you never know what pollinated the plant they were off ,,,mac,
yea hermie they are ,,,i'd write to High Grade seed and complain ,you never know they may replace the seed ,,send a picture to them to back up your claim,,,that may help you ,,,,,,mac
Sorry man - you've got full blown hermaphrodite plants happening. A couple stray nanners late in flower and I'd say just pluck them but that's not the case here - these are full male flowers and not nanners. Start over. @mactheman gave good advice. I'd definitely be emailing a pic of this to the seed bank and complain. What you're seeing is positively due to poor (unstable) genetics. J
This happend to me too. What i would recommend is to keep them going at this stage. Why slice the neck of someone u have been taking care of for months! Not in my nature! I say, Finish it/them and look closer for next time This is how my plant look like Happy growing! -M