Help get Seattle Times Meeting with Drug Czar Televised!!!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by YesOnPie, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. Signed! And I'm still waiting on that debate from Obama. He said it was worth debating. Why doesn't he debate it? Cuz he's chicken shit!
    I doubt this thing with the drug czar will go live either though. They would prefer to keep their bullying behind the scenes so the rest of the country can't see just how Gestapo-like they really are.
  2. I would love to see this doubt it will happen though :/
  3. Seattle times could just tell them live or nothing. I don't see why in the world of skype the dude needs to fly out there. Stop wasting our damn money and just do a video conference.
  4. All on board!
  5. I wonder if CSPAN would be interested in this? An appointed government employee interfering with freedom of the press?
  6. That's pretty damn messed up that he even has to change public opinion anyway. Like if the newspaper published that it's obviously telling you something about the general consensus. I'd like to see the editorial board tell him to kick rocks, but somehow I think Kerlikowske will intimidate/punish/influence them in some fashion if they don't change their minds. Just the fact that he has to have some "private meeting" with them makes me feel like were under some fascist regime.
  7. good point except the media no longer reports on anything of importance anyway. :mad:
    maybe cspan would
  8. Such a good idea, I'm glad MPP started this up!
  9. done. thanks for posting.
  10. Signed. Hope some good comes out of this. Things like this make you lose faith in the system actually working.
  11. I wonder what will happen they need to at least write about it im curious to know
  12. CSPAN is government run. They exist because of a government mandate.
  13. Signed

    All this recent talk about Seattle/WA and legalization is really getting me excited :hello:
  14. I forget when it's supposed to happen, but if someone would update with what went down after the fact, I'd really like to know.
  15. gil: that briefcase over there has XXXX millions inside it, start writing anti pot eds

    newspaper: thanks!

    ^ just a joke

  16. That's our money!

  17. It's also our money that's funding this trip. :mad:
  18. Signed! I posted an article about this the other day. Good to see others are getting on board too. Keep up the good fight brothers!

    Does anyone have a ling to the actual articles that the times printed? There was the one in question and then one more from a few days later.

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