Help! - First time grower.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Cyric99, Apr 24, 2006.

  1. Hey all! Alright, well, I live in a pretty secluded area. I live right on a lake, a really big lake. I recently got a bag, and it has around 25 seeds in it (=/). So, I figured, what the hell, I'll plant them.

    Anyway, my question is could I just germinate them, then stick them in the soil and hope for the best? Or is a special type of soil / nutritients required for success?

    Watering them isn't a problem.. cause I have a lake in my backyard lol.

    Basically, I want to do as little work as possible. I don't really care about big yields, if I get free bud, that would be great though. :rolleyes:

    Any input?
  2. Also, what range of time can I expect this to take? Around 2 months? Or longer?
  3. For time range its usually 2-3-4 months, depending on your area and the strain.

    You can germinate them and stick them in the soil, but it would be better if you got a soil and made a mix, you can read up on it in several topics here

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