Help! Emergency transplant!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by arthurchronic, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. I had to transplant my baby plants into 4.5L pots and i flushed them before i did so because i stupidly gave them water straight from the faucet without correcting the ph for a couple of days and they locked up turned yellow and started burning growth stalled almost to a stop. i put the seedling in straigh up compost and at first i thought maybe the compost was too strong for them but then i realized i was not correcting the water (stupid:smoke:)

    so i flushed thoroughly and did an emergency transplant into a new soil mix that goes as follows:

    Hi-Soil earth 40%

    Compost Hi-Soil 30%

    worm castings 10%

    peat moss 10%

    Perllite 10%

    i put a layer of volcanic rock at the bottom for drainage

    the final mix was a little humid still, the top layer was a little dry this morning but im just gonna leave it i suspect i also overwatered the babies in my desperate attempt to get them nice and green again.

    i did all this yesterday and i see barely any growth or change any thoughts???

    by the way theyre under a 250W MH bulb im keeping it about 6 feet from the plant. temps are around 75-80F and humidity stable 50%

    this is how they look like right now 10 days old (last 4 days they have not grown almost at all)

    any comments will be greatly appreciated

    Attached Files:

  2. 6 feet for only 250w and they're only sprouts? You should get that light at least 2 or 3 feet closer and then slowly raise them as the plants grow taller. Get the lights as close to the plants as you can without burning them.

  3. im sorry i meant 3 feet away jejeje type-o. thanks

    any comments on the rest?

    at this point i cant think of anything else to do but wait to see if theres any positive change

    Attached Files:

  4. i think you can get that light much closer... there's a graph that shows exactly how far away lighting should be .... lemme see if i can find it

    nice cab though

  5. thanks i forgot to attatch the shot from the outside XD

    watch my plants hippie john:smoke:

    Attached Files:

  6. cant find it..... too tired... sorry... maybe someone will chime in

  7. no worries buddy i think i found something similar to what yer saying on google

    thanks for the comments:wave:
  8. sorry man.. epic fail on my part.... keep the pics coming.... maybe start a journal if you have more pics... sweet cab.... love to see more of that

  9. this looks accurate :confused:

    Lights for Cannabis Growing

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