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HELP Drug Test this Saturday at CVS HELP

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GoldDustWoman, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. So I got offered a cashier position at a brand new CVS that is opening this weekend. The first email I got from them said "drug screening" so I assumed that they would ask for one when I went in for orientation, but they have not said anything about it since they scheduled me and I even asked what to expect and they said nothing about a drug test. I have all my paper work turned in too and they already did a background check on me.
    \nI already had a plan to use my older sister's piss. I bought the synthetic urine kit and got rid of the contents because I don't trust it. I was gonna use the bottle to keep track of the temp. I've been practicing. I've been able to keep it at about 94-98 degrees for about an hour in my underwear (kinda just tuck it in there as if I was wearing a maxi-pad). Mind you, this is my first time ever doing this but I'm fairly confident and I haven't smoked in about a week or two and detox is not an option because I don't have a very fast metabolism to burn it all out or just get it out of my system.
    \nI guess this is my dilemma. I was supposed to have orientation tomorrow, but they moved me to Saturday because of my school schedule. They just told me that I was going to be doing an "8 hour shift" at orientation (it'll be a different store, not the one I'm going to be working at) so that I get proper training. I start at 9 or 10 am on Saturday and I'm kinda questioning if they're even going to test me or not now. They said "shift" y'know as if I already have the job and they said they were gonna order my shirt. I'm not sure whether I should take the piss anyway and just have a hand warmer near my crotch the whole time because I won't know when they make me take it (if they do) or whether I should assume they weren't going to drug test me.
    \nAny ideas?

  2. I can't comment on wether or not to take it with you. On the other hand have they specified that it is a piss test? My local market made me do a spit test instead. For those ones i have heard many, many times that as long as don't smoke that day you should be ok.

    If anyone knows for sure feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
  3. It sounds like you got the job. I wouldn't worry about it.

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