Help diagnose my sick plants please

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by ganjagrowtent, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Using botanicare pure blend pro any help would be great
  2. You don't give a lot of info about how you care for them as far as feeding schedule, etc., but just looking at them and seeing the point they're at during flower, I would say up the Cal Mag...simply because they use more of that during flower, and if they're in containers and the containers are that small, they're gonna be hungry just about all the time. Once they expend the soil of the nutrients it has when fresh, it's up to you to supply their food. Looks like you've got a few more weeks to go until these are finished and I would guess they finished off any food in that soil long ago. They need more magnesium and calcium during flower, but that red striping on the outside edges of the leaves is telling you something too. Have you looked on the website They have some pretty good photo/problem examples on there that you can compare your plants to. But keep in mind that old growth yellows and dies off all throughout the life of the plant. Lower growth that can't get optimal light will die first and as long as things are good color wise on your new growth, it's usually something very minor. They normally droop when they're too dry or too wet and my guess is you're probably having to water these daily judging by the size of the container/root ball. They also will droop during a hot day when growing outside. Correct or not, that's my take on your plants. LOL They're not in bad don't freak out. You're nearing the end of the flower cycle and the plants will go through a shedding in the last couple of weeks when it uses the sugars stored in the leaves to help finish out the buds. Basically, all the foliage will yellow and die off and the plant will look really ugly. That's completely normal too and when you see that start to happen, you'll know you're really near home. Nice plants though. Love growing outside. If you can beat the bugs, critters and thieves, it's the only way to go as far as yield. The indoor grow just can't mimic the sun. But it's a constant battle here where we live just overcoming the bugs. Looks like you've done a pretty good job so far though and you'll get a nice harvest off the plants when you pull. TWW
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Thanks a ton for the words i think that should help a lot. I definitely could be feeding more. For a while i thought it might have been nitrogen burn

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