Help Change the World! Please? :)

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Soccerguy420, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. Dear Grasscity,

    My name is Liam and I'm but a young guy. I'm not sure how I want to structure this letter, but the gist of it goes as follows.

    It seems that the whole World and its people
    feels the pain of the collective conscious
    And that all of us are getting jaded by people
    and that everyone is getting jaded with people that are getting jaded
    And sometimes it feels,
    moreso now than ever;
    that all the good in this world is slowly wasting away
    dripping from a spout and we're losing it.
    I don't think its quite the case,
    hell, all this goodness could be dripping into a bucket
    thats going to get poured over our heads!
    But I've been getting kind of anxious,
    waiting for this artificial rain
    a solvent and absorbent to all this all-consuming pain
    And I want to be the change I see in the world;
    and I try...
    but I feel its not enough...

    so I'm calling on all you kind folks
    the scrawny and the tough!

    to help me mend the broken
    till it is polished and it is buffed
    in hopes that our efforts;
    will be contagious like the plague
    like evil is too, but in a kinder way.

    And I know this poem is corny, but don't you ever wonder why?
    Being kind and good's deemed childish,
    the pessimists are hailed as wise.
    Its been the same for ages
    history says that it's true
    but anger, oh it cages;
    from the other points of view.

    i know that we can help it,
    at least I hope we can
    I've been trying all my life
    but this job isn't just for one man!

    Making the world better;
    as individuals I'm sure we've tried..
    but as a group with a progressive view
    of vigilante bonafides,
    could we maybe change the tides?
    I'd like to say that even if I don't finish this journey
    at least I took a stride.

    So thats the bulk of it. A smile, a hug, manners, a held open door or a courtesy, all of those things are underestimated in how much they can help a person. I pretty much center my life on how I can help others and do good things, because I see no reason to contribute to the negativity to the world, and I try to keep people's faith in humanity :) With all this hate going around, there is no need to act on every whim of anger you have.

    Would anyone be interested in joining me to help make the world a nicer place? It doesn't have to be big (we're only humans!), it could be as simple as an open door or not being on the phone when you order your morning coffee. Infect someone with a smile and you can help everyone around them too, making someone smile is my favorite part of my day, I'll smile for hours afterwards thinking about it. Try it!



    P.S. Sometimes being super corny is the only way to let go of ego and be down to earth :)
  2. You are change my friend. Keep it up. And don't EVER let anyone bring you down, because they WILL try.. Trust me.

    My 2cents on your post. If you want to start something you need to think of what you want to accomplish. Like you said even if it's simple.
  3. Making other people smile is truly the highlight of my day
  4. I think you're right about it being infectious :eek:

    I'm breaking out with love :smoking:

    lol, new level of corniness
  5. Never apologize for living in the light and believing that goodness prevails. I've also been getting really down about how pessimistic everyone seems to be about the world and life in general. Just when I was starting to think I was the only one who believes in the potential of humanity, my friend made a comment that assured me I wasn't the only one. Now I'm seeing this. It's helpful for us to speak up about our perspective of this life when we feel compelled to do so. We may be few and far between, but we're connected by the love we project into the world. Press on, buddy.
  6. [quote name='"Custos"']Never apologize for living in the light and believing that goodness prevails. I've also been getting really down about how pessimistic everyone seems to be about the world and life in general. Just when I was starting to think I was the only one who believes in the potential of humanity, my friend made a comment that assured me I wasn't the only one. Now I'm seeing this. It's helpful for us to speak up about our perspective of this life when we feel compelled to do so. We may be few and far between, but we're connected by the love we project into the world. Press on, buddy.[/quote]

    We are indeed connected by the love we project. Well said. Its so refreshing and inspiring to hear from other people like myself. Like a few above me said, don't let the negativity in this world bring you down. Meet it with love and let it be motivation to do more good. Keep the positive vibes flowing and go through your life with nothing but love.
  7. I'm so confused, I remember replying to this thread with different people commenting on it... not sure what is going on :eek: :laughing:

    But thank you all for the positive feedback. I really believe in what I wrote, and I believe in the good in the world. And if I think enough people start believing in it, steps could be made to make the world a better place.

    I'm trying to find ways to spread this message on a grand scale.. its one of the only reasons I wanna be a musician really
  8. I've also been trying to think of ways to spread the message to more people. However, I've sort of come to terms with the fact that you can't convey something so significant to the masses. My goal is to teach by example and offer my perspective to anyone who's interested to know.
  9. Not sure how to answer this,but having "evil" and "corruption" is nessecary.

    Without evil or corruption,you wouldn't be able to exist:

    think of it this way.

    Your hypotheically born into a place where their is no such thing as "bad","bad" doesn't exist.

    Well in order to even understand what extacly is "bad" you would have to have something to compare it to,you would have to know what "good" is. You would naturally understand the opposite. If their is no good,then their is no bad. >>>> thus you are put into a state of null. Null by definition is "invalid" or "zero"

    Not to mention "drama" wouldn't exist. Theirs no conflict because its all good.
    zombies aren't real, movies wouldn't serve purpose, debates are pointless.etc etc

    You could even go so far as to say "remove people with bad intentions" well then,who's to truly say whats morally wrong,and morally correct? Who's the governing authority?


  10. For sure! Without the dark, the light would be taken for granted. Suffering is necessary for us to find out who we really are. The greater the challenge, the greater opportunity for growth. You're right, "bad" will probably always exist in the world. All the more reason to continue to do good and believe in the good in humanity. Gotta bring that balance!
  11. Always keep in mind that the "battle" that's going on with the whole of humanity is the same one going on in our own minds/souls. The better able you are at bringing the light out within yourself, the closer the entire world is to doing the same thing.

  12. i agree that there definitely needs to be evil in order for there to be real good. you could even say that evil has just as much part in good things as the good things themselves do. to put it simply, this concept is one that i consider as possibly being the reason the physical world exists. i could ramble on for a while about that so i'll save the space unless someone is curious.
  13. i loved this :) thank you!! made me smile. i try to live by making others happy/smile/laugh. nice to see others who feel the same :) dont ever change that about you!!
  14. Life is beautiful. And i think that all humanity is connected. By a force that might be called compassion.

    The only limits are the ones we put there ourselves.
  15. Okay; on my way.
  16. Its not corny.That's a thought programmed into your mind literally.This thread made me cry although just for a second.Yeah its meant to be corny bro.The ones in controll don't think on love.They put out the thought of kindness as being weak.Love as being weak.

    That is a program.Set up by the powers that be to put us down.Its working.Not how they would like though people are waking up more and more.Humans are going through tough changes and humans make it worse or better.We are the creators of our problems as a collective not just on an individuall level.

    We know this and are trying.Try not to take this too seriously friend.We are spirit beings havg a human being experience.Religion has contorted this Fact.This is all a game.A big game but a game none the less.This is but one life we will or have been to live.

    So while the change here on earth is important its not all and not the everything.
  17. I don't think it's corny, i liked it, i agree, everyday i make an effort to be nice to people and try to maintain a positive feel about me and the people around me, i see what your saying how it seems just being nice is dripping away from our society, it shouldn't be that way, everyone should try to be nice an polite and if everyone is then the world would be a much better place.

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