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Help Buds Are Drying

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by sickmay420, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. I have a plant that i planted in a 5 gallon bucket growing outdoors... its been growing really good until i moved it to another part of my yard.. now instead of the buds being moist and sticky they are starting to dry out on the top... im pretty sure its not ready to harvest.. atleast not for another 3 to 4 weeks.. i try to remember to water it everyday... also noticed ants around the plant and in the soil when i moved it.. im not sure if that has anything to do with it.. any input would be helpful.. thanks:smoking:
  2. for one it's not getting any nute's being in the ground and you say u trybto remember to water it,it could be a number of problems she has to have water everyday if it's outside,espesaily if it's hot and dry wherever u are so keep that in mind and u might want to invest in some blooming nutes to feed it with once in a while,just a little help to get u started.i wish i could grow outside,but i live in a cold climate so that is not an option 4-me,but i grow some pretttttty dank indoorrrrrr,,but i still learn something new everyday,....gluck!!:wave:
  3. If the top of the buds are dry, then they are dead or dying. Either the plant is finished, or something is killing it. Sometimes you can get certain pests that will just kill the top of the plant - those ants could be your culprit. Regardless, dead tissue should generally be removed as this is always where mold starts.

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