Help!!! Beginner am things not going right at all

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by galty15, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. Hey guys my babies have had a tough life and my lack of experience is now really showing. I germinated the seeds with the wet towel method on the 21st may and great started growing straight away. I've had to buy equipment along the way and now have everything I've had them in a propagation box till this week under t5 grow lights but they look like they are just clinging on to life. At 10/11 weeks old all your plants are huge if not flowering and mine are barely 6inches tall.
    I now know heat and nutrition has been my major factors and probably caused nut lock out.
    Temps I have struggled to get lower than 30'c+ (now bought a a/c and an extraction fan so are now 20-27'c)
    Medium is coco coir and perlite
    R/o water, 1%seaweed extract ph down to 6.5
    Lights where on 18/6 t5 grow light now
    600w mh
    Started nute this week 20ml :5L a + b canna coco

    Anything else you need to know just let me know.

    Just had enough an now asking for help
    Grown so many plants over the years just non as frustrating as these.

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  2. You need to treat coco as a hydro system. Ensure your nute schedule follows a hydro structure and you should be fine. Transplant to bigger pots once the leaves hit the edges of their pot to avoid getting them root bound. Otherwise your lighting seems plenty sufficient. If your extraction is on point then sit back and watch them grow

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  4. I tried the mh an it frazzled them nearly died completely. Trying it again a lot further away but still doesn't seem to be great

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  5. You do the hand trick? Recommended is usually between 18" and 24" but I've seen guys do great at about 9".

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  6. Keep it high and bring it down to the 18-24 range over a period of a week. They're probably not used to that kind of power. You can also set the light to 50,75,100% power on the ballast if you have that feature.. Also your ph is too high for your medium.. you are basically running a hydro setup since it's a soil less medium..

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  7. What hydro system should I be using??

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  8. 100% right nugz. I didn't notice the ph till you pointed it out . I grow in coco perlite as well and ph to 5.8 so I would imagine your sweet spot should be around there

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  9. He means that coco is basically inert, meaning that it doesn't retain the nutes over a period of days and as such you should be feeding every day

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  10. Wouldn't I be over watering them tho especially as my nutes are mixed at 20ml of a and b per 5 litres

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  11. It's very difficult to over water in coco perlite due to the drainage that happens. The point of the perlite is to aerate the soil and bring oxygen to the roots. What is your ratio of coco to perlite?

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  12. That's not to say you can't burn them with nutes though . So just follow a hydro feeding schedule and you should be fine

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  13. 2:1 coco to perlite. What hydro feeding schedule should I follow ?

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  14. Coco should be fed everyday to 20% run off - this replenishes the nutes and pulls in fresh oxygen to the root zone. Coco will hold 30% oxygen even when saturated and cannot be over watered unless its a very small plant in a very large pot. The reason for your lack of growth is because you have been treating it like soil and like mentioned above - your pH is way too high for coco. I feed once a day from sprout and twice a day when they go to flower. A pic would help.
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  15. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    I repotted yesterday into 5L pots do you think I should go back down to the 1L pot?
    The temp was high in this it's sitting around 23/24 10 mins with the ac off temp jumps back up.
    I know the soil is very dry taken before watering.
    So for these how much would you suggest I water ?
    Ph down to 5.8 this morning

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  16. Your coco looks bone dry, never let coco get dry - ever. I assume when you say water you mean feed? Never just water - ever.
  17. They look too small for full strength nutes...cut back to like half at least I'd say.

    First grow
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  18. I agree with Thatguy - 1/2 strength nutes. With a 2:1 coco/perlite ratio you should be able to feed at least every other day to start - then increase. Did you rinse and pre-charge your coco?
  19. Yea when I say water I mean feed.
    When you say full strength nutes is 20ml :5L ro water full strength?!?
    How much should I water like 1L with a 200ml run off? 5L with 1L run off?
    An I rinsed in Ro water but what do you mean pre charge?!?

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  20. Google precharging coco

    First grow
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