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Help! Ash catcher epic failure!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by daguls, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Hello and welcome to...oh wait...other way around.

    Hello all. Newbie to the forums here. Hope to stick around though! :hello:

    Well, I seem to be having some trouble with an ash catcher. I have had multiple ash catchers in the past, and never had this issue.

    Got a Zob OG :)

    This is a shot of the water level in it...the middle of my top finger is where the water level is itself, the top of my bottom finger is where the air/water line is inside the down-stem.


    This last shot is the water/air level inside the ash catcher when it is inside the down-stem, inside the bong.


    The issue I'm having is when I put the ash catcher in the down-stem, the water/air pressure through the whole thing causes water at the bottom of the ash catcher to rise up inside the stem of the A/C. So, when you hit it, and then pull your mouth off, the pressure built up by having your face on it is released, and the water in the stem of the A/C goes all the way up into the bowl, soaking the shit out of everything glorious.

    I have toyed with different levels, both in the A/C and the bong itself, to no avail. Everything just seems to make it worse. Putting ice in the bong seems to lower the end level inside the A/C very slightly, but too much ice makes for less room for a big hit.

    I'm just stuck, and was hoping someone could shed some pothead science light on this for me...who knows, might help someone else out too.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond...

    Daguls :smoke:
  2. #2 Potentcy, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    All i can think of is air is trapped inside the ash catcher so when you put it into the bong the water rises up the diffuser causes the pressure inside the ash catcher to increase due to the decrease of space in the diffuser where water is now so the water rises up the downstem in the a/c

    You've probably already done this but try putting it in, hitting it with no weed in it just to suck out any extra air + water out of the downstem in the a/c then pack it without taking out the a/c
  3. Try pulling the slide off the bong before you clear it? Does the A/C have a choke?

    Otherwise, I'd say its just a poor design for an ash catcher. There are reasons why people get all scientific about this stuff.
  4. Either you broke the laws of physics or air is trapped inside your piece.
  5. #5 reachin4cloud9, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    ok i have the exact ash catcher as you. for some reason even though mine is clean like yours the stem in it gets clogged after like one bowl and air is trapped. this is whats happening to you. what i do is after i snap each bowl i hit it again and suck in as hard and quuckly as possible while lighting it even though theres no weed. then i pack more...

    also since the exact thing happens to me i still have no idea how the fuck this is happening considering you should pull out the ac to clear each hit and then pull your mouth off... how is it still in when u pull your mouth off?
    the worst thay happens to me is it clogs and doesnt get airflow when u hit it. it has never backed up into the bowl

    oh and u should fill ur ac like a quarter in up the stem. and for your case try blowing into the bowl of the ac after u fill it to get rid of that extra watter thats higher than the rest
  6. Well i believe that obviously its just trapped air..

    And indeed, im thinking its just a shitty designed ac.

    Ive realized something that could have part to do with it...

    I'm used to having huge ass bongs, so im used to taking a breath before i pull the ac and clear it. Usually, what happens, is when I pull of for that breath you hear a tsssss and it gets wet...while it in no way solves this whole air/water pressure dilemma, I suppose I could try not pulling a breath, and just clear it...

    Going to experiment with higher water in the ac and no breath...

    ill post the results soon :p

  7. yea ur just making neg pressure in the ac when u do that. try breathin thru ur nose for a breath or just clear it in 2 breaths. def try blowing into the bowl after u fill it. and try the other things i mentioned
  8. I have the same exact A/C design and it happens every time. I found that if you put A/C on the downstem with the downstem already submerged it wont do that.
  9. Sounds like your not sliding the bowl out to clear the hit, if you treat it like a pipe with a carb hole then your always going to get water up into your bowl which no one wants.

    Just load up the catcher like you would any bowl and light it up, white wall, and when you start to hear a poping sound (if you pop your bowls) the ash will fall through and thats when you slide the catcher out and use a last big breath to clear all that yummy milk and then put the ash catcher back onto the stem when your DONE your hit and you are no longer sucking in any air through the pipe (aka: no water should be bubbling)

    Looks like a nice catcher man hf ripping that :smoking:
  10. Damn, and I was hoping he was breaking the laws of physics .....

  11. damn this happened to me this time and the water got all on my friends backpack and is all pissed now
  12. Theres a bong with a similar ash catcher in the GC shop, one of the reviews said if you pause before pulling the ash catcher your weed gets wet. That's your problem good sir. :smoke:

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