Help a fellow pothead sort out his mess of a love life?!

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by trainxwreck, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. K so i'm starting to wonder if something is terribly wrong with me because whenever I post on these forums it seems i'm always posting something in the sex love and relationships thread. Maybe something is, but one can always hope they have something to offer.

    Anyways basic I fell in love with a bitch rant. it's kind of long, so anyone who doesn't wanna read a block of text

    So a couple months back I met this girl through one of my female friends, we started talking on facebook back and forth and the conversations were always interesting so we started talking on the phone and texting casually until one night I was over at my boys house drinking and having a good smoke sesh with my buddies and my friend texted me and said they were around the area so I told them to come over and smoke with us. A couple hours went by and they finally got there, I said hi to my friend and then there she was, now it's probably gonna sound cliche but the first time I saw her I felt something kind of strange maybe I was a little thrown back by how gorgeous she looked and kind of curious why I was feeling so strange maybe it was just the medical and booze, who knows. I go to hug her and my drunk self instead shakes her hand, and gives her one of those half ass hugs. We go inside and we all sit around bullshitting as usual just having a good time and then the girls leave and go to target then come back. All I can remember is telling my boys that this is the chick i've been looking for, she didn't bitch me out for smoking or drinking she just sat there and laughed and giggled at my attempts at hitting on her.
    The night goes on and as more liquor and bud is in my system I start to care about things less and less (we all know how that is) and after flirting in her ear and her sitting on my lap i finally ask her if she wants to make it official and she said yes, but theres rules. And i'm like its whatever. She ended up having to leave earlier than planned because she had her moms car, as hers was in the shop. So we kissed briefly then she left. Wow did I feel good after she left and I know that feeling wasn't alcohol and marijuana. Anyways the weekend goes on it was christmas weekend so I spent most of it visiting relatives.
    We had plans for her to spend the night on sunday which would happened except..
    I had an outstanding warrant and on saturday night I ended up getting pulled over and taken to jail. and for two weeks straight I had zero contact with her or even my boys, I would have had them call her for me if I could but that's not how jail works. I eventually get out and call her as soon as I could and she tells me that it's over she can't deal with a lifestyle like that. So i'm like alright, it didn't work out shit happens and I move on. And that same week she texts me apologizing about this and that and I really didn't want to hear it but I replied and we texted back and forth until I had to go make a couple moves and smoke with my boy. She ended up callin me at like 1 in the morning and i'm like what the hell you got classes in the morning, but we ended up talking for like 5 hours on the phone and came to an agreement to give things another go AS LONG *as I quit smoking, drinking, selling herbal blends* (; That was alot to ask of me because i'm a pothead to the very definition and I like my fair share of drinks and money but because I cared enough about her I thought i'd give this whole lifestyle change thing a try.
    She spent the night all weekend, we went to the mall where I dropped 670$ on her (ungrateful bitch), went to a couple parties and had a good time then wednesday rolls around and I get slapped with another court date and have to take care of another warrant for failing to appear for court a while back, and I spend another week in county.

    Get out on a monday Except this time she's there when I get out which i'm not gonna lie I had my doubts she would be.. The week goes on and she comes over a couple times as I'm now on house arrest and can't leave to go anywhere all is well. We're telling eachother we love eachother at this point which normally isn't my kind of thing but I actually feel it.
    The weekend rolls around and I decided to have a couple people over to my place to drink, but when they got there they wanted to smoke, who am I going to say no to my buddies if they wanna smoke me out as a welcome home gesture. I figured that hey it's only one time, why not? it's not like my girlfriend is gonna be coming over or anything. WRONG. she calls me and is like hey i'm done babysitting my nephew i'll be over in an hour, right as im holding the bong in my hand my jaw just about hits the floor.. So i'm now in a panic like fuck how am I going to hide this?! my eyes were redder than they've been in a long time, my entire room and house absolutely reek of burnt danks (not that I minded that haha) and I was obviously too high to act straight. So she comes over and i'm just like oh hey baby whats up and she looks at me with a peircing look and asks me what i've been up to and me and my friends sit there in an akward silence for a moment until i'm like oh nothing just hanging out bullshitting like usual and she looks at me and is like why does it smell so strong of marijuana in here? and my buddy takes one for me and says that he and his girlfriend have been smoking. which would have been believeable except we all reak of bud and are eyes are hiding much either.. Once everyone leaves i'm just like oh hey babe I'm gonna be honest with you i did smoke tonight and she's like I know. then she gets all pissed off and leaves all pissed off.

    next morning i wake up to a text that says call me.. i had a pretty good idea of what she was trying to get across so I called her and she starts asking me about a girl? and i'm like what the fuck and she's like dont act like you don't know and im like what the fuck are you talking about and shes like a girl messaged me saying that you two were gonna fuck last night blah blah blah, which honest to god wasn't true and once I find out who the girl was, hey what do you know now it's that psycho bitch who's made it her goal in life to fuck with my relationships! :)
    and she's like I can't handle this anymore it's over and I'm just in shock like what the hell just happened. I asked her if it was because of what the girl said and she said no, it was just the cherry on top. and she hangs up on me.

    haven't talked to her since. Except I did call her tonight asking for my shit and I kept it civil, but she had to be immature and hang up on me. I'm not gonna sit here like a dumbass and keep calling her cause that'll just push her away even further but what i am going to do is continue getting drunk at my crib by myself because I can't go out and do all those cliche things you're supposed to do after a break up. I need some advice or maybe some words of encouragement. Anything would be appreciated. I love this girl and I know she loves me too but where do I go from here?
  2. Tell her u wanna hold her hand, but really let her kno how u feel a that you hate the way things ended between you to, plus smoking ain't that big of a fucking deal lol sorry its just she shouldn't try to force you to become a different person, especially over night not that im saying you are without faults but our shortcomings are what define us makes who we are, tell you want a face to face conversation even if she's still gonna end up telling you to Fuck off...kinda got some shit of my own going on right now to might start up a thread
  3. That sucks bro. As hard as it may seem i think it's time to wave that ship goodbye. :wave:

    There are girls out there that won't make you try and be someone you're not. I was with a girl and she made me quit blazing and i made her quit smokin cigarettes. Didnt work out.

    Now im with a girl who likes me for who i am and i get the pleasure of sharing greens with her! :smoke:
  4. I stopped at the part where you said you went to the mall and spent $600+ dollars on her. A real woman wouldnt let a guy do that, especially so early in the relationship.

    Lets just put it this way. If its bound to work out, the relationship will come easy. But i see your huge wall of text and its obvious that shit aint working.
  5. You spent HOW MUCH on a chick you knew for less than a month?!?!?!?!?! Got damn:eek:

    I know this doesnt help your situation at all, but seriously dude that sounds like some golddigging shit, dont ever do that again
  6. Yeah..what the shit?? I'd never let a guy spend that much on me.
  7. If the text is that long then it's time to dump the bitch.
  8. word.

  9. [ame=]YouTube - nope.avi[/ame]
  10. #10 Makizushi, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    I read the bolded part; that's it.

    And I just shook my head slowly.
    I will never let my girlfriend/wife tell me what to do, or what I can't do.

    If you want to be whipped, then go for it. Otherwise, keep on living your life. Make your own decisions.
  11. Dude, did you get your stuff back?
  12. You're referring to his testicles right?

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