Help 911!!!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by incognito220, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Can anybody please tell me what is wrong with this?

    Attached Files:

  2. We need all the info on your grow including:

    What type of medium; soil or hydro?
    What brand and type of soil?
    Indoors or outdoors?
    What strain?
    How old are the plants?
    What type of lights and how many watts?
    How far from the lights?
    What is your watering frequency and source of water?
    What, how much and when was it fed? NPK?
    What is the medium/runoff pH and PPM if in hydro?
    What are the temps and humidity in the room?
    What size pots?
    Any bugs? Look real close.
    Any other pertinent info?

    If any of these questions have already been answered please disregard as I cut and paste this from the sick plants forum
  3. chlorine burn:eek:
  4. What type of medium; soil or hydro?- Soil
    What brand and type of soil?-miracle grow
    Indoors or outdoors?- Indoors
    What strain?-Not sure
    How old are the plants? -Clones/Almost 2 weeks
    What type of lights and how many watts?- flos./120W/6500K/
    How far from the lights?-Inches
    What is your watering frequency and source of water?-When soil is dry a few inches deep/ Tap water(Left out over night)
    What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? -Have not fed any nutes yet.
    What is the medium/runoff pH and PPM if in hydro?
    What are the temps and humidity in the room?-72-80 degrees/ 45-60%
    What size pots?-8 inch
    Any bugs? Look real close.-No(I looked close)
    Any other pertinent info?-Recieved clones from a friend and they weren't doing good.. Thought I rescued them, but guess not.
  5. Could be nute burn from the MG first attempt was foiled by mg and i just go with scotts organic and its a charm.

    whats the ph of your run off?
  6. i'd say nute burn from the soil -- but the larger leaf on the left side has yellowing that makes me want to suggest a nitrogen difficency. So - it may amount to a pH problem which is creating an imbalance of nutrient absorption which is causing both burn and deficiency.

    SO - i'm with the previous poster - what is the pH?
  7. Tested the PH again and it's quite low. So I am going out to get something organic. Any suggestions on keeping the PH in check? Seems like it's swinging
  8. what is quite low?
  9. Sorry.... I have one of those PH tester kits from Petco and it showed a yellow, but my tap water is very sweet... So a rough guesstimate would be like 5.5 or lower.......I know I know I need a digital. I will work on it... Thanks for your help guys(and girls!)
  10. that's pretty low. Consider buying distilled water - it will make all the difference... or an RO system.

    I have also heard good things about a product called ZERO water (it's like a britta thing).
  11. I was thinking of distilled water..... Thanks i will definatly try that out... I transplanted them into some premiere "pro-mix". I guess it's pretty nuetral(no nutes) so I am going to go that way, maybe there will be less pH swing. I have some fox farm grow big as well. Thanks again everybody!
  12. I'm hesitant to believe that it doesn't have nutrients... it may not have continued release, or added fertilizers -- but soil (in itself) generally has nutrient compounds.

    The only mixes that I knwo of that are nuteless are things like Perlite, Coco, vermiculite, hydroton
  13. Hmmm....Well shows how much I know!!(And the lady at Agway) Either way i think anything other than MG would be better. Lets just hope we see results!!
  14. which pro-mix is it? we can lookup the make-up of the soil.
  15. the brand is "Premiere" and it's the seedling/pottting mix.
  16. I saw that in Target the other day. Can't remember how much it was though. Not sure if it does anything for ph, but I'm sure it does.

    Definitely use distilled with the Grow Big. I do and have no problems with ph issues in my soil grow using the Ocean Forest from Fox Farm. The grow big is ph balanced, so if you use it with the distiled water you shouldn't have many ph issues.
  17. So just got back from the store and bought a ton of distilled water. Also snagged two new fixtures and 4 more 4ftrs. It should improve my plants(i hope). Also I improved my grow room set-up as to make it more spacious. Just wanted to thank everyone who's contributing. Once i get my camera back I will post some pics!
  18. So I was wondering if anybody could tell me if I switch my plants from 24/0 to 18/6, would this induce flowering? Sounds kinda foolish but 6 hours seems like a big difference to me. I just don't want to shock the plants to bad. The reason why I would be doing this is for 2 reasons: Economical+ I read that palnts are like humans and need a little rest. Any advice on this subject would be great. Thanks
  19. No, it will not induce flowering. 18/6 is typically used during veg... To induce flowering, you'll need to have it at 12/12.
  20. Thanks... Do you think it will do any damage as far as shock? These poor babies have had a rough childhood so far. So i would like to make their lives as "stress free" as possible. Also do you think that 6 hours of dark is more/less beneficial than 24 hours light? Thanks again

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