Helmet head

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Clearsky, Dec 27, 2023.

  1. If you don't want helmet head on your seedling here is what I do,
    I place the pointed end up just the opposite of what is said to do.
    The tap root will come out of the pointed end first, and if you have that facing up in your soil at about 1/2 inch deep in soil.
    That tap root will turn around and head down and by doing so has the splits in the seed facing up which when the root pushes the shell up will shed the seed off coming up out of soil.
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  2. Makes sense to me. Thanks. I had one helmet head pop up this go round. I'll keep that in mind for the next seeding.
  3. germ them out till the radicle (taproot) is 2 inches long
    easy as...to insert into the germing soil
  4. In the past, I have also scarified my seeds before sowing which seems to help prevent that.

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