Anyone out there but me watch HK? I'm a professional chef and watch it sometimes just for the laughs. But, it still is a decent show. Some of the contestants though... I dunno, I bet they were picked just because there dumb as f*ck (better ratings?) Best season has to be season 7, anyone agree?
yeah it's an entertaining show. it's awesome when gordon ramsey starts getting ... angry, to put it mildly
I watch few episode of Hells Kitchen its really good its really very entertaning i love to watch it...
Hell's Kitchen is the best show, one of the few shows I watch. Anybody see the episode last night? I thought that Carrie chick was gone, but she is the only decent looking one. The new chick on the guys team is a force, they were kickin ass. Next episode looks pretty intense, chef ramseys assistant chef is a prick though (not the waiter, the bald chef guy). anybody else watch this season?
STUPID ASS KRUPA! haha cooked FILET MIGNON instead of VEAL, what a fooooooooool! I love chef ramsay, he is so mean it's great. I don't know how Krupa stayed alive, she fucked up pretty much everything tonight, and Gina was like one of the three half decent ladies left, pretty upset
I love HK bu I haven't really watched it this season, although I did watch the episode a few nights ago, how do you mix up filet mignon and viel, ridiculous.