HIGH All I'm Fireush's Hippycracker " The Maid" as you guys know..I'm 19 years old from BC Canada and I enjoy smoking the herb....Hey hows it going unoit?? So what can you tell me about Beaker?? I have already been informed as to what you guys are like....( unoit & left-hand man) Thought that I would drop a line and say HIGH ALL ...
HIGH ALL Unoit you are too kind...It seems as though ''the maid'' is going to be receiving some spoiling soon....So is it crunchy or smooth??? Unfortunately my employer (firerush) has me parading around the house in a skimpy uniform......you know the ones...lol..but with all cleaning supplies bought and paid for I can't complain.......but the wages are GOOD!!!!!!!! Take care all and have a good night.
HIGH ALL Sorry for the delayed reply...Beaker has left today for camp, and I leave tommorow. My preference?? lol..SMOOTH.....of course I am open to new things.. too much said ?? LMAO I hope that you are ready for visitors in March.....I know that the both of them cant wait.. Another party here..pictures this time of Beaker... ( we should trade) I'll send some soon. Well I should be going still have to pack, hope everyone is doing well and I will talk to you all in a week.
High All, Well we are all back from camp..Things are good and we are moving into our new house soon. Probably sometime within the last week of Feb... I suppose you already know about the damage done to our house while we were in camp. ( $2000 ) worth to be exact...Holes in the walls and what not...Luckly for the remaining roomate that was here at home, all the holes were fixed by my dad who has been here the last 3 days, before I got back from camp. All is good, all we have to do now is paint. lol at Beaker, yeah it was him who put it down as Firerush, but it is completely understandable, we gave him a hard time about that poll. So in doing my regular duties around the house, I will contiue to check the mail and do intend to enjoy Grama's seceret receipe. Thanks again.