Just got high. Chillin at my crib. Bored and wanted to come talks to some members of the city. Watsup with ya'll? Any good stories? Movies? I saw Halloween and really enjoyed it.
I don't want to overstate it, but, I really enjoyed the movie. If you take it by itself, just as a slasher movie, it was pretty damn good. Definitely one of the better one's I've seen. If not the best.
bought a new bong, had it in a backpack, then the back pack busted open while walking out of the mall, and i had a large bong in a bag...all open, for tons of little kids to look at i wanted to see halloween, it looks sick...
yeah http://forum.grasscity.com/recreational-marijuana-use/173227-hmmmm.html#post1830085 that should work...
i love it...and its a ME piece...i mean its mine, and people must ask to use it....thing rips a little too hard...had me chokin a little bit, and its nice because its not too dark where you cant see it milk out...if i have a chance i will do a milk shot...looks crazy when it gets milked out...first hit i took i took half the bowl, and sat ther "dayuuuum"