Hello people. I'm promoting a chat room..

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Wasdwarrior, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. I'm a long time lurker on this forum and I decided I would post this thread in the Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality section.

    I made this chat room to encourage intellectual conversation and have a good group of friends who are non judging and open to discussing beliefs.

    The url is tinychat.com/wasdwarrior

    I understand that I shouldn't post this thread recruiting but I'm going to promise to stop lurking and start posting on this forum :)

    Anyways... If you stop by and come to chat. that would be awesome :D
    I always got some chill tunes playing or some cool documentary on :)

    Thank you - wasd
  2. If I were to make a chatroom, it would be on an IRC. You should look into IRCs as well.
  3. I'm pretty sure its against forum rules to advertise a chat room.. Just a heads up :smoke:

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