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Hello old friends I have a question

Discussion in 'General' started by purpleSparkles, Jun 22, 2013.

    Sorry for being away for so long... I lost my laptop.... (No clue what I did with it)

    Well I have a boyfriend now :) just incase you'd like an update into my oh-so-interesting life...

    But now I have a question, my boyfriend is in a band. I want to be supportive and help him out, but I'm not entirely sure how I can do that. (The last thing I want to be a Yoko)
    I don't want to manage the band... But I want to help. I'm really good at marketing and I sew, so I was talking to him about possibly helping with the wardrobe and stuff.....
  2. Wardrobe? Lol is he in a hair metal band or something? The only way you can really help is just promote the shit out of them via whatever social networking sites you use. 
  3. I'm a new friend. Just throw a lot of parties and get them to play at a lot of parties. Word will get out
  4. Unless they suck.
  5. It's modern metal (often dubbed "screamo") but its kinda punk-y and yeah
  6. What's the name of their band?
  7. Nice to see you back on the forums Purple. :)

    If you're any good with graphic design, you could print our some bad ass flyers.

  8. i think theyre glam rock. get those dresses like twisted sisters
  9. spam GC with their youtube vids
  10. design a dank logo
  11. Hey hey now respect the hair metal! or Dee Snider is going to appear by your bed at night and rape you.
  12. Or better yet record shows for them and put them on youtube
    I wondered what happened to you. Welcome back! :D
    Not everyone is interested in this, but does learning the audio technicalities (setting up the amps, mikes, etc.) and running a sound board interest you?
  14. How do you lose a laptop?
    Get out of the clouds girl.
  15. Bubbles I love when I see you post. Makes me feel like I'm actually talking to bubs
  16. Same here
  17. HOLY SWEET FAACK! :D Mission accomplished boys! :cool:
  18. Wardrobe what??

    Idk dude just support by advertising and stay out of their way.

    Unless u can set up amps, tune, and dial for perfect tone idk what else u can do.

    I dig u wanna help but that shit looks better on paper than in actual practice. Us musicians tend to be very methodical abt our shit.

    Sent from my MB865 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

  19. So...the name of the band?

    Beginning to think OP lost her laptop again XD
  20. #20 TattooKilla, Jun 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2013
    Yes!! This made my day and it's only 8:22 AM

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