i have some annoying neighbors that call police for "skunky smells" I am a growing master and have learned from my ancestors my family grew marijuana from generation to generation and i grew some weed that was really 40% thc..Lab tested in oakland oaksterdam.. I used febreze as my bong water would it make the smoke not smell or just make the smoke absorb all the chemicals in febreze? THANK YOU FOR READING
Well calculating your percent of THC by the eclipse theory of A.J. Avery your so called growing master machine cannot be simply put. You would need atleast 3/4 the sativa/indica or a hybrid blend of nutes and water to get a high enough concentrate to recive one seed yield.
Relatives of my russian side actaully studied and smoked the potent plant g 13 the original back in the day. was 30% THC.
this^^ fuckin this^ why would you even consider using fucking febreeze as bong water wtf.... that shits pure chemicals... but OP, do it anyway because you were dumb enough to think of the idea. edit: your the most ignorant "master grower" I've ever seen
You sir, deserve a medal for your expertise and mastery of marijuana growing. I hope everyone can see what a magnificent individual you truly are.
I was trying to remember who's signature the Febreeze thing was in, you came back for the perfect post, nice. Anyways, OP: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3n0vBcW5fc&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Trollolololol[/ame]
If you can grow good weed, shouldnt you know the answer already? P.S. Incase you didnt clue it....dont use febreze as bong water! Youll get cancer or some shit. (well probably not cancer, but it will be pretty fuckin bad for you)
go for it. itll make your breath and room smell nice. no need to worry about the skunky smells check back in with us every couple of days after you start doing it...thnx
if ur a growing master, and if ur family has been growing for generatiosn then...idk man wouldn't u know not to do that?? Blades these are the kinds of questions we should be asking
if ur a growing master, and if ur family has been growing for generatiosn then...idk man wouldn't u know not to do that?? Blades these are the kinds of questions we should be asking
You can't be a growing master, because all the growing masters grow special strains that have no odor when burned.
I'll take "Shit that didn't happen" for 400, please. And don't use febreze as bong water you dumbass. How would that even work.
Cops don't come for "skunky" smells in a legal state. Eager to see your name in the winners circle at the next cannabis cup think a 40% strain would take first and break some records. Also, everybody knows that fabreeze as bong water isn't safe and doesn't help with the smell, no, best to use as a mouth wash or breath spray to eliminate the smell.