I just thought I'd finally introduce myself to the crowd. I'm and oldie (almost 50) but a goodie. I've been a smoker for over 30 years and I thought it was about time I shared my experiences with all of you and hopefully you will do the same for me. I am kinda new at this, only been using a computer for a couple of years. so I'm bound to screw up. Please excuse me if I do. I hope by talking with all of you I can gain some insight into how all of these forums work. I hope to share with you all. Peace.
Welcome to Grasscity and I hope you have a great time here. I am what they call a young one, but you'll find plenty of the older crowd... Hope you enjoy your time here and I'll look for seeing you on the posts. peace and welcome!
Welcome and I hope you have a great time in the stoned little universe we have going on around here!!!!!!! LOL
grab a chair and fire it up... becareful of the ladies.... they will have you in church in mo time....
Welcome to the city, it will be great hearing some of your stories, and with another elder it is another step towards peace4all. Peace