Hey there! Name is Scott. Been smoking for about 10 years now and just started in the medical cannabis industry 4 months ago. My various hobbies include panning and prospecting/mining for gold, prospecting for gems, and I'm a huge dinosaur/fossil lover. I have a friend of mine who moved here from Oregon who has been growing almost as long as I've been smoking and he's been teaching me all of the neat tips and tricks that I haven't learned from reading High Times all these years. Hopefully I can learn more from you guys and gals. I've got a couple plants that I've been tinkering with feminized Hindu Kush and a male Fire Haze to play Mad Scientist with the genetics a bit but other than that I'm pretty new to this whole thing. I never knew how much science, time and effort goes into producing top of the line flower and it's definitely opened my eyes to a totally different world than what I'm used to. I hope to hear from you guys and gals and I hope to be a part of this community for a long time!
Yeah OK just passed their MMJ laws last July so it's still fairly new. I'm surprised myself that Oklahoma would have medical cannabis here but at least our politicians heard our voice and they can see the money being made in other states so it's a win-win for everyone!
Wait a minute. Oklahoma the land of Bible thumping hillbillies has weed and fucked up Kentucky doesn't. That is sad.
Welcome to GC, I’m glad that you joined. I’m curious like old pothead. You have legal grow laws too? I usually consider myself on top of this issue but missed this one. Cool. Maybe one day.
Hello fellow Okies and Cannabis enthusiast. I am a medical card holder thats been opiod free 2+ yrs now. Lived in NE Oklahoma with my wife on beautiful Grand Lake for 13 yrs now. Currently have a couple plants outside and I have never had such big plants. Ones a 10 ft Gold Leaf and the others an 8 ft Blueberry. Im not a commercial grower but I would like to hook up with some other more experienced folks that can show me the ropes of growing, harvesting, curing and making concentrates and edibles. I cloned the outdoor plants and have some nice candidates for this upcoming winter indoor grow.
I HATE you Okies ! LOL. not really...I'm in Texas ,where we are now completely surrounded by legal med States, and we're still NOT ! ( It's enough to piss off the Pope ! )
CONGRATS...that is AWESOME!!!!!! @SoonerStateProspector ............Welcome to the boards....lots of good people...and information here!
I’m hoping to get far and clear of opiates. Congratulations. It’s a tough battle those plants look amazing. Awesome