Hi everyone, About three months ago, my psychiatrist actually recommended marijuana for my anxiety and clinical depression (in a state where medicinal marijuana is illegal, mind you). After having been awakened to the medical benefits this miracle drug provides, I decided to join the community and embrace a new lifestyle. I even bought a vape and a bong. I'm excited to be a member and I hope to make some new buddies here.
[quote name='"burtango"']Hi everyone, About three months ago, my psychiatrist actually recommended marijuana for my anxiety and clinical depression (in a state where medicinal marijuana is illegal, mind you). After having been awakened to the medical benefits this miracle drug provides, I decided to join the community and embrace a new lifestyle. I even bought a vape and a bong. I'm excited to be a member and I hope to make some new buddies here. [/quote] Where at in OK?! Im an OK toker too!
I'm in okc, you should tell your doctor to contact the reps of the state and we could get medical marijuana I know a lot of organizations fighting for it right now
Welcome to the best weed forum on the web, man! Glad you're here. I tell ya, I do not envy all you Ok tokers. Y'all's laws are really stiff out there. That's where all my inlaws are from, and I used to have to visit there all the time until my mother and father in law passed away last year. Haven't been back since. I get really paranoid out there, especially since my sister in law's best friend is a cop in Tulsa.