Whats up people. I am a 25yo Marijuana enthusiast and have been smoking for 13 years now. The only regrets I would have with Marijuana is buying a decent quality bag.... and some fresh dank would come along with me out of cash haha. Dont mind my grammar.. I have hardly any xD. I type as if I am personally standing in front of you talking =). Was raised by a pretty easy going Grandfather and a overprotective Grandmother so that pretty much evened itself out =) I would go to Grandpa if Grandma told me not to do something and get a OK from him haha.. Gotta love the childhood days. When I was 13 I decided to see what the "buzz" was about (Major pun intended there xD) and fell in love with the feeling instantly. At the time I was being perscribed different anti-depressents.. Prozac.. Wellbutrin.. Effexor.. All that ever did to me is pray for death.. MJ was a Godsend to me.. I can honestly say without it I probably wouldnt be here today joining this wonderful community. On a side note.. Rolled a beautiful "Cross Joint" for my darlings birthday Tokefest. It was my first attempt and it was amazing.. Smoked evenly with powerful hits... Thank You Pineapple Express xD. http://i47.tinypic.com/2b4h8p.jpg