Hey everybody. Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm NolaGuy, and if you couldn't tell I'm from New Orleans. I'm a real estate developer as well as a bit of writer. Although I'm pretty lazy and weed has certainly contributed, I live in the Big Easy, so it's not a problem. Nobody seems to really mind... I also run a well known sports blog, which will remain nameless, and a bunch of other sites that are in progress. For now, if you want to see anything I write that isn't a forum post, check out StuffAmericansHate.com. The most recent one is about pot laws. I waste lots of time playing starcraft 2, which goes great with pot. That's pretty much the only game I play on the computer, however I occasionally dabble in Halo 3. On the golf course, I'm scratch and will own you. And lastly I drink, dance, and listen to funk/brass/jazz music all the time. Why I'm here? Mostly to try and geta little more involved in legalization efforts. The more people who openly support it, the harder it is for those in power to ignore reality. Nice to meet you all.