Hello Friends

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by That Engineer, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Hey,

    so yeah i figure i shall do this introduce myself thing as if anyone cares.

    Anyways, im not high right now but i wish i was.

    I am an engineering student at CU Boulder (in colorado, as if you havent heard of boulder! :D ). the first time i got high was on 4/20/10 last year and it was the greatest day of my life. I just have to say it sucks finding out that i have been lied to about weed for all these years, and now i smoke almost every day and it is great :smoke:

    I like to know how stuff works and weed helps me appreciate everything so much more. I am also partially color blind, and when i smoke weed i can pass color blindness tests!!! I put that in bold because its important.

    Anyways, i look forward to spending much quality time here now actually posting instead of just reading everything.

    So hello!
  2. If you don't mind, I am going to use this and laugh in the face of my judgmental acquaintances.
    And welcome to Grasscity, I'm new too! :wave:
  3. Haha hi, thanks. But do you have the same deal going on for you too?

    Edit: oh yeah and no i do not mind go right ahead
  4. Welcome to the city.

  5. Thanks! Im glad to be here :D

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