Hiya all! I'm from Overgrow, and our good buddy Den Activist told me to check out this site; it looks like a pretty cool place I especially like your music forum; it seems to be more to my liking than OG's music forum. I'm a musician myself; I'm currently in college studying music with the classical guitar as my principal instrument. Oh, I also enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, etc. etc. Have fun everyone, talk to ya soon!
HIGH All, what took you so long Dasch. Hope you have a great time here. Of coarse it's not like OG but hey we All love the same thing. Have a Great Weekend Dasch and hope to see you All later.
Hey Babe, nice to see you here... There are a few other ppl here from OG as well... you'll definitely recognize their handles Post to you soon. Den Activist
I just registered last night because Den told me about this place too. It's nice..... Good to see you. whisper/mithril
Nice to be able to see you around and reply... they love you in the Sprirituality forum... I saw the nice reply you got there
Thanks for the welcomes everyone! ...they've replied to me? hehe I'm having trouble keeping track of my posts without that members screen a la OG. LOL and I'm sober even! I can't imagine what I'll miss when I actually get to smoke again! lol I'll have to pay more attention to things now. Enjoy yourselves everyone! Have a pleasent night, evening, afternoon, morning, whatever