New to this site although I have been seeing it for a while now in google. Stoner for 5 years. Young adult that likes to make a GOOD life for hersel Yeah. live near SF say hello!
Welcome to the City Lovly! I'm kinda new here myself, and a fellow Californian. So Cal to be exact. Happy your here!
Thank you! Im happy to be here to this is just my kind of Site. Ill try to add people once i get on my computer!
Hi, hon! Welcome to GC! May I invite you to educate yourself further about cannabis? See that first link down below in my sig? Click it and just read the titles! I'm not even going to ask you to read the 100s of news articles I have found about cannabis, or the more difficult medical studies- just read their little 1 or 2 line titles! Cannabis is good for a LOT more than "just" getting high! It is (literally) a bloomin' medical miracle! Educate yourself! Granny
A beautiful area, complimented by a beautiful woman. Glad you're adorning the forums, keep one lit for ol' dedboy, and smoke the skies gold for me.